Meissner, T., Gassmann, X., Faure, C. and Schleich, J. (2023): “Individual characteristics associated with risk and time preferences - A multi-country representative survey”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Schleich, J., Gassmann, X., Meissner T. and Faure, C. (2023): “Making the factors underlying the implicit discount rate tangible” Energy Policy: 177, 113563
Meissner, T. and Pfeiffer, P. (2022) “Measuring Preferences Over the Temporal Resolution of Consumption Uncertainty”, Journal of Economic Theory: 200, 105379.
Ahrens, S., Bosch-Rosa, C. and Meissner T. (2022) “Intertemporal Consumption and Debt Aversion: A Replication and Extension”, Journal of the Economic Science Association
Schleich, J., Faure, C. and Meissner, T. (2021) “Adoption of retrofit measures among homeowners in EU countries: The effects of access to capital and debt aversion”, Energy Policy: 149, 112025.
Bosch-Rosa, C. and Meissner, T. (2020) “The One Player Guessing Game: A diagnosis on the relationship between equilibrium play, stated beliefs, and best responses”, Experimental Economics: 23, 1129–1147
Schleich, J., Gassmann, X., Meissner, T. and Faure, C. (2019) “A large-scale test of the effects of time discounting, risk aversion, loss aversion and present bias on household adoption of energy efficient technologies.” Energy Economics: 80, 377-393.
Bosch-Rosa, C., Meissner, T. and Bosch-Domenech, A. (2018): “Cognitive Bubbles”, Experimental Economics: 21, 1, 132-153.
Meissner, T. and Rostam-Afschar, D. (2017): “Learning Ricardian Equivalence.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control: 82, 273-288.
Meissner, T. (2016). “Intertemporal consumption and debt aversion: an experimental study.” Experimental Economics: 19, 2, 281-298.
Schleich, J., Gassmann, X., Faure, C. and Meissner, T (2016): “Making the Implicit Explicit: A Look Inside Implicit Discount Rates.” Energy Policy: 97, 321-331.
Working Papers
“Direct Elicitation of Parametric Belief Distributions: An application to inflation expectations”, with Pedro Gonzalez-Fernandez and Ciril Bosch-Rosa. [oTree/Qualtrics implementation]. Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
“The impact of indoor carbon dioxide on human cognition, behavior and metabolic health”, with Stefan Flagner, Steffen Künn, Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok, Rick Kramer, Wouter van Marken-Lichtenbelt, Cynthia Ly and Guy Plasqui. Revise and Resubmit at Indoor Environments
“Debt Aversion: Theory and Measurement”, with David Albrecht. [Replication Package]
“The debt aversion survey module: An experimentally validated tool to measure individual debt aversion”, with David Albrecht. [Replication Package]
Work in Progress
“Does the Real Interest Rate Really Matter for Consumption?” with Bosch-Rosa, C. and Baptiste Massenot
“Modafinil improves cognition and increases risk taking in healthy human subjects” with Hyemi Jin, Matthias Wibral, Anke Sambeth and Arjan Blokland